Best Community Service In Compton

Best Community Service In Compton

Lighthouse; A Training & Educational Co. L. A .T. E. C. is a community service organization, A Non-Profit Corporation based in Compton CA committed to helping those in need.

L.A.T.E.C. is committed to keeping families together, aiding with food, educational help, home supplies and shelter to the homeless. L.A.T.E.C. cover's the surrounding areas of Compton, and throughout Los Angeles County.

With mission in mind, we have established an agency in Nigeria were we help feed, educate and empower women, widows and young men through training classes leading to graduation with items needed to start their business. L.A.T.E.C. is now

in the process of expanding their mission field to Belize, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guatemala and Malaysia. We are driven by our passion for helping others, so we always work hard in our efforts to improve the life quality of everyone in society. You can email us at: [email protected] or latec.cares@gmail to find out more.